Since students use studentforce daily their accomplishments can be aggregated; formatted; and displayed at will through integrations to these and other apps/services

EdTech Digest

The age-old practice of displaying a student’s work is alive and well.

GUEST COLUMN | by Lynda Hall

It’s no secret that children love to share their accomplishments with others. Whether you are a family member, friend, coach or teacher, there is at least one time when you have been asked to display a child’s masterpiece on the refrigerator, office desk or classroom pin board. The reason behind this long standing practice is simple. Children need continuous feedback to reaffirm that they are valued and accepted and that their efforts are appreciated. Consequently, the more positive feedback children can garner from encouraging role models will more than likely ensure the successful and ongoing development of the child. 

Enhancing the learning experience with e-Portfolios

For educators, it is imperative that student success is celebrated.  One method of displaying student success is the use of e-Portfolios, which could be defined…

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